๐Ÿ—บ๏ธMetaFarmer World

Life resembles a competition in many aspects. A competition which you don't need to defeat anybody in order to win. In this competition, you shouldn't wait to get rewarded by anybody, because it has been started with you as a winner by default already and all the prizes have already been given to you. What you need to do is to only use your prizes properly and enjoy them in order not to lose them. Your prizes are all the qualities within you and how they make you feel good - the sense of love, trust, hope, beauty, usefulness, helpfulness, happiness, etc.

Don't be after the outcome of the competition and enjoy the path. If you're able to use these valuable internal qualities properly throughout the competition, they keep increasing and getting stronger inside you. However, if you ignore them and not use them well, you definitely lose them and they will be replaced by bad feelings that keep annoying you until the end of the competition.

Metafarmer looks more like the real world than you can possibly imagine.

The amount of agricultural products that will be given to farmers, at the time of harvest, are twice as much as what they would produce, which means all farmers are the winners of this competition by default.

Half of the FOOD which has been produced is transferred to a reward chest that needs 5 keys to be opened.

Farmers are the owners of what's inside the chest, but they can't have access to the contents of the chest as long as they don't prove their qualifications.

In order to open the chests, what farmers need to do is to stay committed to the rules and regulations of Metafarmer for a period of 5 months so that they can claim one key each month.

Last updated