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Lands in Metafarmer have different features in cultivating agricultural products due to their geographical positions. Metafarmer, which is inspired by the real world, consists of mountains, mountainside, rivers, seas, deserts, plains, etc. All lands are tradable and undoubtedly lands which have higher levels of fertility and cultivation can be traded and transacted at higher prices. Farmers can place factories, farms, barns, decorations and etc. in their lands at will and design the look of their farm according to their interests. Lands that possess better climatic and geographical conditions are definitely capable of producing more crops. For instance, a plot of land situated by the river or mountainside is capable of producing 20 types of crops. However a plot of land located in a mountainous or desert area is capable of producing a maximum number of 10 types of crops.
Generally speaking, it can be mentioned that gamers in Metafarmer face the natural rules and regulations of the real world and the more the farmer concentrates and tries to produce crops, the more FOOD they can mint.